Life jackets, splashers, puddle jumpers, swimming bands... what's the difference?

Although the warm weather in the Netherlands will have to wait a while, it may not be long before summer breaks through here too. A day at the sea or at the swimming pool will certainly be on the agenda. To guarantee the safety of your child in and around the water, VanZus has various life jackets, splashers, puddle jumpers, swimming bands, swimming belts or swimming belts. Sounds nice, but what is actually the difference between these swimming accessories?
Safe and free with a life jacket
To guarantee safety, wearing a life jacket, splasher or puddle jumper gives a better feeling. For example, Christel's daughter Julia wore the nice life vest from Konges Slojd in lemon print and in floral print during her holiday in Mexico. Christel talked about the benefits of the life jacket: “Julia could do her thing in the water. With the vest she stayed afloat in the pool and could go about her business undisturbed. The life jacket can be attached with the strap between the legs, so that it stays in place while splashing. In addition, her arms were free, which gave Julia a lot of freedom of movement outside the pool. It gave us as parents a nice feeling that she could play and was also safe in the water.”
The Konges Slojd life jackets are available with and without straps. In the version with extra straps, the child floats even more easily.
Splashers from Mrs Ertha
In addition to the life jackets from Konges Slojd, we at VanZus also have the popular splashers from Mrs Ertha. These splashers are also called puddle jumpers. The swim splashers have cute prints and are great for the pool. The difference between life jackets and splashers can already be seen from the appearance. The splashers also have straps around the arms, so your child floats more in the pool compared to the life jackets. Both the life jackets and the splashers are suitable for teaching your child to swim.
Hip swimming bands and swimming belts
In addition to the life jackets and splashers, we also have the trendy wristbands from Petit Pommes. These swimming armbands offer safety and the nice colors also make them cute on the arms!
Finally, we also have the swimming belts or swimming belts from Liewood and Konges Slojd. A foam swimming belt is very practical for older children who want to float when the water is just too deep to stand. Thanks to the nice colors, your child will really steal the show with this swimming belt!
Water fun
Playing in the water also brings a lot of fun. For guaranteed water fun, VanZus has fun toys for the water, such as the fun swimming bands from Petit Pommes, floating boards, diving goggles and beach balls. For more inspiration, take a look at our blog about water toys.
With one of these swimming accessories, the kids can go wild in the water and you don't have to worry. Whether you are going on holiday abroad or going to the beach or swimming pool in the Netherlands, a life jacket, splasher or swimming bands always come in handy.
But please note: all swimming equipment must be used under supervision when a child cannot yet swim independently. The various options support swimming, but do not prevent drowning.