How can I place an order?
Placing an order at Van Zus is easy and safe.
When you have checked this and have finished shopping, you can click on the order button, after which you will enter the ordering process. If you are not yet logged in, we need your contact details. You can then choose a shipping method and then a payment method. Make sure you go through all the steps in the ordering process to complete the order.
If you change your mind during the ordering process, you can always click cancel. This will take you back to the shopping cart.
What payment methods are there?
We currently have the option to pay with iDEAL, Paypal, Bank Transfer, Mastercard/Visa/American Express, Bancontact Mister Cash and Sofort Banking.
Do you also have a physical store to visit?
We do not have a physical store. Our department store and workshop is in Alblasserdam.
I cannot complete or place my order on the website, what can I do now?
With our new website we hope to prevent common problems from our previous website, but of course something can always go wrong. If this happens, please send an email to info@vanzus.nl met with the problem and the products you are trying to order so that we can arrange the order for you.
When can I expect my order?
In principle, orders placed before 4:00 PM on working days will be shipped the same day. Orders placed during the weekend will be processed after the weekend. During a promotion, the delivery time of orders may be slightly longer due to the crowds.
I am not satisfied with my order, what now?
Send an email to info@vanzus.nl als if you are not satisfied with your order. More information about exchanging and returning products can be found on the 'exchange and return' page.
I would like to personalize a product, how can I do that?
If you want to personalize a specific product, you can select the product according to your wishes via the website. On the product page it is possible to complete the personalization and in some cases choose the color. Does not it work? Please call or email our customer service.